Deer Park Neighborhood
Welcome to the Deer Park
Deer Park Neighborhood is a well-established, highly developed, walkable and bikeable neighborhood located within the desirable area of the Highlands. Since the early years of the streetcar, the Deer Park neighborhood has been a unique and thriving neighborhood due to its close proximity to Bardstown Road Commercial corridor, nearby institutions and amenities, high quality architectural residential character and walkable streets.
Neighborhood Vision
Deer Park Neighborhood maintains and enhances its neighborhood character and stability. The Bardstown Road corridor continues to be a primary cultural and economic asset, with harmonious transitions between the commercial corridor and the residential areas.
Positive relationships are fostered within the Deer Park Neighborhood between residents, business owners and neighborhood institutions (including Bellarmine University), promoting collaboration on issues of mutual interest and shared values.
There is a variety of mobility options that are safe, efficient, and well-connected, both within the neighborhood and to surrounding areas. Deer Park Neighborhood continues to be a desirable place to live with a strong sense of place and high quality of life for its residents.
Deer Park Neighborhood Association's Objectives
To beautify the neighborhood.
To preserve the historic, architectural and cultural character of the neighborhood.
To support and encourage visual, performing, and other artistic endeavors.
To combat community deterioration by encouraging all residents and businesses within the area to improve the condition and appearance of their property.
To create and expand civic pride and cooperation throughout the area.
To improve the safety and well-being of all persons living in, working in, and visiting the neighborhood by providing education on community issues, such as crime prevention, zoning, and environmental concerns.
To work with other neighborhood, local, and governmental groups to solve common problems and to maintain and upgrade the quality of life in Deer Park and the Highlands Area.
To engage in and support other charitable and educational activities.
Get Involved in Your Neighborhood
If you’re interested in participating, the DPNA Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church. There are also lots of opportunities to volunteer on the many committees.
Get Involved