Deer Park Neighborhood Association Bylaws
Article I : General
Section One
Name: The name of the Association shall be the Deer Park Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Section Two
Objective: The Association is organized not for profit and the objects and purposes to be carried out are as follows:
a. To beautify the neighborhood.
b. To preserve the historic, architectural and cultural character of the neighborhood.
c. To support and encourage visual, performing and other artistic endeavors.
d. To combat community deterioration by encouraging all residents and businesses within the area to maintain and improve the condition and appearance of their property.
e. To create and expand community pride and cooperation throughout the area.
f. To improve the safety and well being of all persons living in, working in and visiting the neighborhood by providing education on community issues, such as crime prevention, zoning and environmental concerns.
g. To work with other neighborhood, local and governmental groups to solve common problems and to maintain and upgrade the quality of life in Deer Park and the Highlands area, and
h. To engage in and support other charitable and educational activities.
Article II : Members
Section One
Qualifications for admission as an Active Member: Any person interested in the objects and purposes of this Association may apply for active membership, subject to the age and boundary limitations, which follows:
a. Any person so interested and qualified may become an active member upon payment of annual dues of the Association.
b. An active member must be 18 years or older.
c. An active member must be a resident, property owner, or business operator located within the boundaries of the Association
d. Each dues paying member will be allowed one (1) vote, limited to two (2) votes per household. Each business operator member will be allowed (1) vote.
Section Two
Associate membership: Any person not eligible for active membership but interested in the Association goals may become an associate member, without voting privileges, upon payment of the annual associate membership dues.
Section Three
Annual Dues: Annual dues shall be set by resolution of the Board of Directors. Dues shall be due January 1. Dues must be paid by April 1 to vote in the May elections.
Section Four
Boundaries: The boundaries of the Association are as follows:
· Eastern Parkway, north of Newburg Road, and the northwestern boundary of Calvary Cemetery form the NORTHWESTERN boundary.
· Bardstown Road forms the NORTHEASTERN boundary.
· Douglass Boulevard and an imaginary line extending it in a southwesterly direction crossing Newburg Road to Beargrass Creek forms the SOUTHEASTERN boundary.
· Beargrass Creek forms the SOUTHWESTERN boundary up to the northwestern edge of Calvary Cemetery.
Article III : Board of Directors
Section One
Powers: The business and affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Board of Directors.
Section Two
Composition: Membership of the Board shall be drawn from the Active Membership list of the Association. There will be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 Directors, 4 of whom shall be officers of the Association. Two members of a household may share a position of Director representing one vote, provided both are on the slate.
Section Three
Regular Meetings: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly at a regular time and place set by the Board of Directors. These meetings are generally open to the public but the Board may elect to hold all or a portion of these meetings in executive session, if approved by a majority of the vote of the Board.
Section Four
Special Meetings: One half of the active directors may call a meeting of the Board by requesting the President, in writing, to issue such a call; or by sending notice of the meeting, signed by those making the call, to each member of the Board of Directors.
Section Five
Quorum: A simple majority of the active directors shall constitute a quorum for any purpose. A simple majority of those present, provided it is a quorum, may transact business. Each director shall have one vote. There is no proxy voting.
Section Six
Removal of Directors: An Officer and/or Director may be removed from the Board when 2/3 of the board recommends such action to the board. Removal shall take place upon ratification of such recommendation by 2/3 of the voting board membership. An Officer and/or Director must attend at least 2/3 of all regularly scheduled Board meetings in a single year.
Section Seven
Vacancies: It shall be the duty of the President to fill by appointment any vacancy on the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the vacancy, such appointment being for the remainder of that term and with the concurrence of the remaining Board of Directors.
Section Eight
The Board will take effect June 1 of the election year.
Article IV : Officers
Section One
Elections: At the time of the monthly Association meeting in May, the membership shall select from among its active membership by a plurality vote, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and a minimum of six and maximum of eight Directors, each of whom shall serve for one year, or until a successor is duly selected. Officers may succeed themselves.
a. To be eligible for President the person will have served for two consecutive years on the Board of Directors.
b. To be eligible for the other offices the person will have served for one term on the Board of Directors.
Section Two
Duties: The elected officers shall perform the following functions of their offices.
a. President: The President shall enforce the By-laws, preside over the Board of Directors, and appoint committees as necessary, and report to and preside over the meetings of the Association. He or she shall, by virtue of the office, be a member of all committees, except the nominating committee. The President shall prepare a written summary of the Association’s activities during the previous year for presentation to the membership at the May meeting and for inclusion in the records of the Association.
b. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all of the duties and exercise all of the powers of that office. This officer shall coordinate the activities as designated by the President.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Association, distribute all correspondence as is deemed necessary in the transacting of Association business, take and maintain a file of the records and minutes of the Association.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Association funds and shall keep a record of receipts and expenditures of the Association. All debts of the Association shall be paid when so directed by the Board of Directors, and such payments and condition of the treasury reported at the meeting of the Board. Any annual returns required to be filed with government agencies shall come under the duties of the Treasurer and the financial records shall be open at all times for inspection to the Board of Directors or a committee appointed for that purpose. The financial books will be reviewed by the President and audit committee each May. The financial books may also be reviewed anytime upon request of the President. The Treasurer shall follow the Accounting Policies and Procedures of the Association as promulgated by the Board.
Section Three
Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President of the Association, by virtue of experience of office shall be one of the Directors during the year following his or her presidency and shall assist the President in the performance of any duties that may be deemed necessary.
Section Four
Participation: Any active member of the association shall be eligible to participate in any election of the Board of Directors if he or she has been a member in good standing for at least thirty (30) days prior to such election.
Article V : Committees
Section One
Formation and composition: The President shall appoint Committees. Committees may be composed of any active members of the Association or the Board of Directors. The President will be a voting member of all the committees except the Nominating Committee. The President may form new committees at any time.
Section Two
Committee Chairs: Each committee will select its chair by consensus. The chair may or may not be a member of the Board of Directors.
Section Three
Duties and Powers: Committees shall make decisions by simple majority. All committees will receive their duties from and will report to the Board on those duties.
Section Four
Nominating Committee: A nominating committee of not more than four (4) directors shall be appointed by the President with the duty of nominating persons for elective office. Nominations for elective office may also be made from the floor at the May meeting, and shall require a second. All nominations must be of qualified membership to the Association.
Article VI : Miscellaneous Provisions
Section One
Quorums: Twelve active Association members or 20% of the Association membership in good standing, whichever is less, including officers, when present at a called meeting, constitute a quorum of the Association for any purpose.
Section Two
Fiscal Year: The Association's fiscal year shall end on December 31.
Section Three
Accounting Policies and Procedures: The financial dealings of the Association are subject to the provisions of the Accounting Policies and Procedures as approved by the Board.
Section Four
Amendments: These By-laws may be amended by vote of the active Association members only and by a majority of the total votes cast, a quorum being present, provided the proposed amendment is submitted at the previous meeting and members are notified in advance of such a vote.
Section Five
Special Meetings: Twelve active Association members or 20% of the Association membership in good standing, whichever is less, may call a special meeting of the Association by giving written notice signed by those members to the President.