Neighborhood Plan
Click here to view a PDF of the complete plan adopted in December 2016.
Follow this link to view the Executive Summary of the plan (also copied below).
Executive Summary-Deer Park Neighborhood Plan
The Plan establishes long range goals and objectives for the development and stabilization of the neighborhood. It provides a framework and establishes implementation strategies which will direct the neighborhood towards its vision as a community where people live, work, play, and celebrate the neighborhood’s identity. Through the planning process, the Advisory Committee – a group of local residents, stakeholders and community members shared ideas, identified community assets, and defined issues. This input helped shape strategies to achieve the vision for neighborhood improvements and to minimize land use conflicts.
The neighborhood’s defining characteristics, such as demographics, land use, development patterns, natural environment, housing and mobility, also inform the concepts and recommendations outlined in the plan, as it utilizes many of the existing community assets and amenities as building blocks for improvements. The plan provides elements to increase the quality of life for residents, enhance the built environment and protect the natural environment creating a more sustainable and livable place, following the guidance of the Cornerstone 2020 Plan. Below are the recommendations that relate to the Cornerstone 2020 plan or require Planning Commission action such as rezoning or development plan approval.
Mobility Recommendations
Most of the mobility recommendations involve specific capital improvement projects or program changes. One recommendation has been developed to encompass general mobility improvements.
MU 1: Improve mobility and internal circulation within the Deer Park Neighborhood by focusing neighborhoodconnections and safety provisions for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.
Land Use Recommendations
LU1: Area wide rezoning from R-6 Multi-Family to R5-Single-Family for properties located on the east and west side of Napoleon Boulevard, bounded by Rutherford Avenue to the northwest, Princeton Drive to the southeast and commercial properties to the east.
LU2: Area wide rezoning from R5A Res Multi-Family to R5-Single-Family (excluding existing duplexes or multi-family units) for properties located on the south side of Roanoke to Rosedale Avenue and the properties fronting the north side of Roanoke Avenue to the alley entrance.
LU 3: Expand the Campus Form District at Bellarmine University to encompass properties on the south side of Richmond Drive. This expansion should be limited to the south side of Richmond Drive, the east side of Norris Place and Newburg Road to the west.
LU 4: Protect the character of Richmond Drive and ensure that future development is compatible with the built form of the surround neighborhood including character and scale.
LU 5: Protect adjacent residential neighborhood from commercial encroachment by maintaining Traditional Marketplace Corridor boundary along Bardstown Road.
LU 6: Increase access to and opportunities for open space and recreational activities.
LU 7: Maintain the traditional character of the neighborhood form by retaining development patterns and the urban design of the established neighborhood.