Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA) Bylaws

The Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Board of Zoning Adjustment, commonly referred to as the BOZA, revised its bylaws on May 21, 2020. BOZA is responsible for review of the following types of zoning applications:

  • Conditional Use Permits, including short-term rentals;

  • Dimensional Variances;

  • Administrative Appeals; and

  • Changes in Nonconforming uses.

BOZA may also review a waiver and/or a development plan application if attached to a conditional use permit or variance application.

BOZA consists of 7 members, all of whom are appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the Metro Council. The Board conducts regular and special meetings as it deems necessary. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

You can review the revised BOZA bylaws below.
